Category: Research
“The Long Tale of Downloadable Convergence”
Citation: Payne, Matthew Thomas. “The Long Tale of Downloadable Convergence.” The Velvet Light Trap, 81 (Spring 2018): 70-73. Abstract: …
“Wicked Games, Part III: Caution — Contents May Be Hot…and Hidden”
Citation: Payne, Matthew Thomas and Peter Alilunas. “Wicked Games, Part III: Caution — Content May Be Hot…and Hidden.” Flow: A Critical Forum on Television and Media Culture 22.6 (April 2016). Solicited for inclusion.
Playing War: Military Video Games after 9/11
Citation: Payne, Matthew Thomas. Playing War: Military Video Games after 9/11. NYU Press, 2016. Description: No video game genre has been more popular or more lucrative in recent years than the “military shooter.” Franchises such as Call of Duty, Battlefield, and those bearing Tom Clancy’s name turn over billions of dollars annually by promising to…
Wicked Games, Part II: Blood, Sex, and Pixels
Citation: Payne, Matthew Thomas and Peter Alilunas. “Wicked Games, Part II: Blood, Sex, and Pixels.” Flow: A Critical Forum on Television and Media Culture 22.4 (February 2016). Solicited for inclusion.
“Regulating the Desire Machine: Custer’s Revenge and 8-Bit Atari Porn Games”
Co-authored with Peter Alilunas. Television and New Media (in press).
“Beyond Minnows and Whales: Reconstructing Mobile Gaming for the Cross-Platform Franchise”
Co-authored with Gregory Steirer. White Paper presented to Warner Bros. Digital Distribution. Sponsored by Warner Bros. and the University of California at Santa Barbara (2015).
“Militarism and Online Games”
Co-authored with Nina B. Huntemann. International Encyclopedia of Digital Communication and Society Volume III. Eds. James Ivory and Aphra Kerr (Blackwell-Wiley, 2015).
“Critical War Play”
Communication Currents 9.5 (December 2014). Solicited for inclusion.
“Parody as Brand: The Case of [adult swim]’s Paracasual Advergames”
Co-authored with David Gurney. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies (2014).
Zom-Com — an experiment in media praxis
Zom-Com Zom-Com is a new zombie comedy TV series pilot produced by The University of Alabama’s Dept. of Telecommunication and Film. You can follow its updates on the pilot’s facebook page. Project Description The University of Alabama Department of Telecommunication and Film presents Zom-Com, a television comedy pilot about a ragtag team of “zombie chasers”…
“Policing the Sandbox in Grand Theft Auto Online”
Co-authored with Michael Fleisch. Media Fields 8 (2014).
“Connected Viewing, Connected Capital: Fostering Gameplay Across Screens”
Connected Viewing: Selling, Sharing, and Streaming Media in a Digital Era. Edited by Jennifer Holt and Kevin Sanson (New York: Routledge, 2014): 183-201.
“Key Issues in Digital Ecosystem Design and Implementation”
Co-authored with Gregory Steirer. White Paper presented to Warner Bros. Digital Distribution. Sponsored by Warner Bros. and the University of California at Santa Barbara (2014).
“War Bytes: The Critique of Militainment in Spec Ops: The Line”
Critical Studies in Media Communication 31(4) (2014): 265-282.
“Redesigning Game Industry Studies”
Co-authroed with Gregory Steirer. Creative Industries Journal 7.1 (May 2014): 67-71. Solicited for inclusion.
“Gaming Art”
Co-authored with Michael Fleisch. Journal for International Digital Media Arts Association 9.1 (Spring 2013).
“Wound Raider: Authorizing Trauma in Lara Croft’s Origin Story”
Co-authored with Derek Frank. In Media Res: a Media Commons Project (13 March 2013).
“Response to Moses Wolfenstein’s ‘Well Suffered’”
Co-authored with Stephen Campbell. Well Played: A Journal on Video Games, Value, and Meaning 2.1 (2012). Solicited for inclusion.
“Marketing Military Realism in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare“
Games & Culture 7.4 (July 2012): 305-327.
“Super Meat Boy: A Love Letter”
Co-authored with Stephen Campbell. Well Played: A Journal on Video Games, Value, and Meaning 2.1 (2012).
“Stories from the Seats of Power: Chopper versus Chopper as Dueling Travelogues”
Co-authored with Michael Fleisch. Well Played: A Journal on Video Games, Value, and Meaning 2.1 (2012).
“Broadband of Brothers: Fostering Gameplay Across Screens”
White Paper presented to Warner Bros. Digital Distribution. Sponsored by Warner Bros. and the University of California at Santa Barbara (2012).
“Advergaming and Niche Branding”
Co-authored with David Gurney. In Media Res: a Media Commons Project (18 August 2011).
“Everything I Need to Know About Filmmaking I Learned from Playing Video Games: The Educational Promise of Machinima”
The Machinima Reader. Edited by Henry Lowood and Michael Nitsche (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2011): 241-256.
Flow TV: Television in the Age of Media Convergence
Edited by Michael Kackman, Marnie Binfield, Matthew Thomas Payne, Allison Perlman, and Bryan Sebok (New York: Routledge, 2010).
“F*ck You, Noob Tube!: Learning the Art of Ludic LAN War”
Joystick Soldiers: The Politics of Play in Military Video Games. Edited by Nina B. Huntemann and Matthew T. Payne (New York: Routledge, 2009): 206-222.
Joystick soldiers: The Politics of Play in Military Video Games
Co-edited with Nina B. Huntemann (New York: Routledge, 2009).
Director of Photography Demo Reel (2001-2003)
“Interpreting Gameplay through Existential Ludology”
Handbook of Research on Effective Electronic Gaming in Education. Edited by Richard E. Ferdig (Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, 2009): 621-635.