Tag: media industries
“Beyond Minnows and Whales: Reconstructing Mobile Gaming for the Cross-Platform Franchise”
Co-authored with Gregory Steirer. White Paper presented to Warner Bros. Digital Distribution. Sponsored by Warner Bros. and the University of California at Santa Barbara (2015).
“Key Issues in Digital Ecosystem Design and Implementation”
Co-authored with Gregory Steirer. White Paper presented to Warner Bros. Digital Distribution. Sponsored by Warner Bros. and the University of California at Santa Barbara (2014).
“Redesigning Game Industry Studies”
Co-authroed with Gregory Steirer. Creative Industries Journal 7.1 (May 2014): 67-71. Solicited for inclusion.
“Manufacturing Militainment: Video Game Producers and Military Brand Games”
War Isn’t Hell, It’s Entertainment: Essays on Visual Media and Representation of Conflict. Edited by Rikke Schubart, Fabian Virchow, Debra White-Stanley & Tanja Thomas (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2009): 238-255.