“On the Limits of Lulz: Niche Taste and the Implosion of Satire.” In Media Res: a Media Commons Project (9 March 2017). Co-authored with David Gurney. <link>
“Wicked Games, Part III: Contents May be Hot … and Hidden.” Flow: A Critical Forum on Television and Media Culture 22.6 (April 2016). Co-authored with Peter Alilunas. <link>
“Wicked Games, Part II: Blood, Sex, and Pixels.” Flow: A Critical Forum on Television and Media Culture 22.4 (February 2016). Co-authored with Peter Alilunas. <link>
“Wicked Games, Part I: Twenty-Sided Demons.” Flow: A Critical Forum on Television and Media Culture 22.2 (November 2015). Co-authored with Peter Alilunas. <link>
“Beyond Minnows and Whales: Reconstructing Mobile Gaming for the Cross-Platform Franchise.” White Paper report presented to Warner Bros. as part of the Connected Viewing Initiative sponsored by Warner Bros. and the University of California at Santa Barbara (2015). Co-authored with Gregory Steirer.
“Critical War Play.” Communication Currents 9.5 (December 2014).
“Key Issues in Digital Ecosystem Design and Implementation.” White Paper report presented to Warner Bros. as part of the Connected Viewing Initiative sponsored by Warner Bros. and the University of California at Santa Barbara (2014). Co-authored with Gregory Steirer.
“Redesigning Game Industry Studies,” Creative Industries Journal 7.1 (May 2014): 67- 71. Co-authored with Gregory Steirer.
“Wound Raider: Authorizing Trauma in Lara Croft’s Origin Story.” In Media Res: a Media Commons Project (13 March 2013). Co-authored with Derek Frank. <link>